A fabulous day at Sevan and met some very enthusiastic girls who seem to be all interested in joining Guiding! We had 32 girls taking part from the local area who all seemed to fall in love with the parachute (yet again- its a hit!).
Whilst playing one of the games (Giants House) everyone worked together to make a giant WAGGGS trefoil.
A big thank you to our amazing translators - Lilit, Simone and Ani.
Most of the girls that came today filled in forms to become members of NUGGGS (National Union of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts), there is a Guide unit that is hoping to start in September in that area. Which is great news!
As a treat Lilit, Simone and Ani took us all to the beach at Lake Sevan. The mad ones of our team (Emma T, Emma G, Laura and Rachael) went into the freezing cold lake to play volley ball! But we all had practice from UK beaches and warmed up quickly.
We are looking forward to tomorrow with Leader trainings in the capital, Yerevan.
2 days till camp! Looking forward to seeing the Guides there that we have already met!
Off to bed now! New day tomorrow, can't believe we've been here for a week already!
Hajoghutyun from Armenia!!